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Three Benefits of Tree Trimming

June 2, 2016

When you are working on your home's maintenance, don't forget about your trees. Tree trimming often gets overlooked, but it's actually very important. Here are three benefits to having your trees trimmed regularly.

1. Encourage Proper Growth

Trimming means cutting back the excess or overgrown parts of a tree. Doing this on a regular basis helps keep your trees healthy and strong. An overgrown tree can get to the point where the root system isn't adequate enough to support the whole tree, leading to unsightly dead branches or even eventual death of the tree.

2. Control Pests

Regular trimming helps keep insects under control. Overgrown trees can be the perfect home for pests, even some that can spread disease to your tree or migrate into your home's structure. It's far easier to control insects when your trees are well-maintained.

3. Keep Your Trees Beautiful

One of the main reasons to have trees in your yard is for aesthetic appeal. Regular trimming helps maintain the proper shape, as well as keeping your trees strong and healthy.

Tree trimming is an important part of home maintenance. Regular trimming keeps your trees healthy, strong and beautiful. It also helps control insects that can damage your trees and even your home. To learn more about the benefits of tree trimming, contact One Tripp Tree Service today.

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